
Reverse Engineering

Assembly code for a 32-bit linux binary provided with 3 calling arguments.  The arguments are passed in the stack when using the x32 calling convention. Follow the program to get the result.

Function Call: asm3(0xd73346ed,0xd48672ae,0xd3c8b139)

Assembly Code

    <+0>:    push   ebp
    <+1>:    mov    ebp,esp
    <+3>:    xor    eax,eax
    <+5>:    mov    ah,BYTE PTR [ebp+0xa]
    <+8>:    shl    ax,0x10
    <+12>:    sub    al,BYTE PTR [ebp+0xc]
    <+15>:    add    ah,BYTE PTR [ebp+0xd]
    <+18>:    xor    ax,WORD PTR [ebp+0x10]
    <+22>:    nop
    <+23>:    pop    ebp
    <+24>:    ret   




Step 1. xor eax,eax  

eax is 0’d out. 

Step 2. mov ah,BYTE PTR [ebp+0xa]

Most significant byte of AX -> ah = 0x33

Step 3. shl ax,0x10

Shift contents of AX left by 16 bits -> AX =0x0000

Step 4. sub al,BYTE PTR [ebp+0xc]

Least significant byte of AX -> al = 0x00 – 0xae = -0xae or 0x52 using two’s complement

                -0xae:  1010 1110

2’s complement:  0101 0001 + 1

                0x52:   0101 0010

Step 5. add ah,BYTE PTR [ebp+0xd]

Most significant byte of AX -> ah = 0x00 + 0x72 = 0x72

Step 6. xor ax,WORD PTR [ebp+0x10]

AX = 0x7252 xor 0xb139 = 0xc36b

               0x7252:  0111 0010 0101 0010

   xor      0xb139:  1011 0001 0011 1001

               0xc36b:  1100 0011 0110 1011