
Reverse Engineering The Windows 32bit binary takes two user inputs.  The first input is a number which has between  1 to 5 digits.  The second is a key which will…

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Here’s a Libc

Binary Exploitation Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMN5N5oid2cThe binary is a simple echo server that creates a sequence where the first letter is a capital and next letter is in lower case for all…

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Sice Cream

Binary Exploitation Write Up: https://faraz.faith/2019-10-12-picoctf-2019-heap-challs/#sice_cream The binary provided performs dynamic memory allocations and frees the allocated memory. The input to the includes name which is stored in an global array.…

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Zero to Hero

Binary Exploitation Write-Up:  https://faraz.faith/2019-10-12-picoctf-2019-heap-challs/#zero_to_hero The binary provided performs dynamic memory allocations and frees the allocated memory.  The Libc version used to compile the binary supports the TCache feature in the…

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